Tennessee Small Estate Affidavit Form

The Tennessee Small Estate Affidavit is a legal form that allows the surviving family of a person that passed away (the “decedent”) with a means of collecting their personal possessions. The form is fully compliant with the provisions found in Tennessee’s Small Estates Act. In comparison to the more standard probate process, the form is designed to make it simpler for an heir/legatee/devisee to claim their property as their own. In addition to a family member, a creditor who is owed part of the estate may use the affidavit to collect what is rightfully theirs.

In order to be valid, the form must be filed with the clerk of the court a minimum of forty-five (45) days after the death of the decedent, and the total value of the estate cannot be worth more than $50,000 (after subtracting debts and other liabilities).


Maximum Estate Value: $50,000

Required Conditions: State law dictates that it is mandatory for: