TCP/IP Network Model💻 : Deep Dive with an example

The TCP/IP model is a conceptual framework used for understanding and implementing network communication protocols. It stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol and is the foundation of the modern internet and most networks.

  1. Application Layer:
  2. Transport Layer:
  3. Internet Layer:
  4. Link Layer (Network Access Layer):

So concluding, the TCP/IP model provides a framework for communication between devices over a network. It starts from user applications at the Application Layer, which generate data. This data is then broken down into segments or datagrams at the Transport Layer, assigned IP addresses at the Internet Layer, and finally transmitted in data frames with MAC addresses at the Link Layer. As data flows through the layers in the reverse order, it gets reassembled, error-checked, and delivered to the appropriate application on the receiving device.

Let's understand with an example😃.

Suppose, I connected my desktop💻 to internet (airtel), Opened browser, Typed and Hit enter. The following steps will happen in TCP/IP model.

  1. Application Layer:
  2. Transport Layer:
  3. Internet Layer:
  4. Link Layer (Network Access Layer):
  5. Transmission:
  6. Routing:
  7. Internet Backbone:
  8. Reaching the Facebook Server:
  9. Server Response:
  10. Transmission Back to Your Desktop:
  11. Link Layer Decapsulation:
  12. Internet Layer Decapsulation:
  13. Transport Layer Decapsulation:
  14. Application Layer Decapsulation:

This entire process happens rapidly behind the scenes, enabling you to access websites and communicate over the internet seamlessly, thanks to the TCP/IP network model.

Until next time😃.
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