Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (Regulation C)

The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection is amending Regulation C to implement amendments to the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act made by section 1094 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act). Consistent with section 1094 of the Dodd-Frank Act, the Bureau is adding several new reporting requirements and clarifying several existing requirements. The Bureau is also modifying the institutional and transactional coverage of Regulation C. The final rule also provides extensive guidance regarding compliance with both the existing and new requirements.

Final rule
Corrections and other changes

  1. On page 66256, in the second column, in the nineteenth line, “I. Effective Date” should read “VI. Effective Date.
  2. On page 66296, in the third column, in the fourteenth and fifteenth lines, “III. Final Regulatory Flexibility Act Analysis” should read “VIII. Final Regulatory Flexibility Act Analysis”.
  3. On page 66305, in the first column, in the 23rd line, “IV. Paperwork Reduction Act” should read “IX. Paperwork Reduction Act.”
Proposed Changes and Related Notices

Proposed rule
Policy guidance