Unsuccessful applicants will automatically remain on the continuing interest list until 31 December 2025 (because Parmiter's School is a higher preference than the school allocated) with continuing interest list positions for all relevant criteria. If you would like to know your child's position on the continuing interest list, please email admissions@parmiters.herts.sch.uk stating your child's full name and date of birth.
The Cut-off Scores and Distances for 2024 and previous years are available now.
Parmiter's Open Mornings
We will be holding Open Mornings on the following dates from 9.30am - 10.30am:
There will be an address from the Headmaster followed by a tour of the school. If you would like to attend an open morning, please book your place HERE. Please note: the gates will only open at 9.15am, so please do not arrive before this time.
We hope that you find the information contained in this section useful. If you are considering applying for a place at the start of Year 7 (Secondary Transfer), at any point after this (In-Year Admissions) or for the Sixth Form, you should find all the information you need. Please take some time to read through all the sections, including the Frequently Asked Questions section.
© 2024 Parmiter's School
High Elms Lane, Garston, Nr, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD25 0UU
Tel: +44 (0)1923 671424 | Email: admin@parmiters.herts.sch.uk