Canberra tram ticket cost

All passengers need to purchase their tickets before boarding. If you are connecting with a Transport Canberra bus service you must tap on and off between each trip.

All Transport Canberra fares and tickets, including pre-purchased bus tickets, are valid. There are several methods of purchasing a ticket:

MyWay Card

Buy your MyWay card in advance online or at a MyWay recharge agent. You can top up your MyWay card at a ticket vending machine. Please tap on at the platform validator before boarding the LRV and tap off at your destination stop. Platform validators are located at all stops.

MyWay+ Is Coming

MyWay+ is expected to commence November 2024 and the transition to the new system will commence from Friday 20 September 2024.

From this date MyWay and NXTBUS real time systems will no longer be available. A fare free travel period on buses and light rail will take place from Friday 20 September 2024 to support the transition to MyWay+.

Light rail will continue to operate to the scheduled frequency. Next stop information will still be available for light rail (onboard and at stops).

Customers are encouraged to KEEP their MyWay cards as the card number will assist with the balance transfer to MyWay+.

Ticket Vending Machine

Ticket vending machines are located at all stops and bus interchanges. You can purchase a single trip ticket which includes a free 90-minute transfer period. Daily tickets allow unlimited travel until the last service from the day of purchase.