Sin, Cos and Tan Graphs

Sine , cosine and tangent graphs are specific graphs you need to be able to identify, understand and draw.

Specifically, the graphs of

You may be asked to draw graphs for any values of x\degree , these graphs are periodic , which means that after a certain point, the graph follows a pattern and repeats itself over and over.

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Sine Graphs

y=\sin x between 0\degree and 360\degree

is the graph shown below.

sine graph

The key features of this graph you need to remember:

As mentioned, this is one period, which means that past 360\degree and before 0\degree , it repeats this exact same shape which lasts for 360\degree .

This is shown below.

<a href=sine graph with multiple periods" width="550" height="164" />

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Cosine Graphs

y=\cos x between 0\degree and 360\degree

cosine graph

The key features of this graph you need to remember:

As with the sine graph, this portion is one period of the graph, so it is repeated for all the values before 0\degree and past 360\degree.

If we repeat this period a few times, we will see that the shape is exactly the same as the sine graph.

co<a href=sine graph with multiple periods" width="550" height="164" />

NOTE: If, at any point, you can remember the general shape of these graphs but can’t remember which graph is which, you can recall/calculate the values of \sin and \cos at zero, and then extend the pattern from there onward.

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Tangent Graphs

y=\tan x between -90\degree and 90\degree

is very different, it looks like the graph shown below.

tangent graph with asymptote

Key things you need to understand about this graph:

As with the previous graphs, this part only represents one period. However, this period repeats every 180\degree , unlike the previous graphs that are repeated every 360\degree .

Note : as the graph repeats, so do the asymptotes.

The result of repeating the shape a few times is shown below.

tangent graph with multiple periods

If anything, this graph is slightly simpler than the previous two, because it only crosses the axis once every 180\degree .

Level 6-7 GCSE AQA Edexcel OCR WJEC Cambridge iGCSE Edexcel iGCSE

Sin, Cos and Tan Graphs Example Questions

Question 1: On the same axes, plot the functions y=\sin(x) and y=\cos(x) between -180\degree and 180\degree .

[4 marks]

sin cos and tan graphs example 1

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If you can’t remember their shapes, check a few points. So, we have that

Which is enough to start of the pattern of the \cos graph. Similarly, we have

Which is enough to start the pattern of the \sin graph. If you aren’t sure, just try more values. The resulting graph looks like:

sin cos and tan graphs example 1 answer

The solid black line represents the \sin graph and the dotted line represents the \cos graph.

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Question 2: Plot the function y=\tan(x) from -360\degree to 360\degree .

[2 marks]

sin cos and tan graphs example 2

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The \tan graph has an asymptote at 90\degree , and then again every 180\degree before and after that. Furthermore, we have that \tan(0)=0 and it gets bigger as it gets close to 90\degree . This enough to draw the graph. The result looks like:

sin cos and tan graphs example 2 answer

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Question 3: Plot the function y=-\cos(x) between 0\degree and 360\degree .

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sin cos and tan graphs example 3

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This is a transformation of the form y=-f(x) , which corresponds to a reflection in the x axis. In doing this, it would be helpful for you to draw a normal \cos graph, draw the reflection, and then rub out the first one.

To draw the \cos graph, consider that

This is enough to continue the pattern to 360\degree . The resulting graph should look like

sin cos and tan graphs example 3 answer

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Question 4: Plot the function y=\sin(x) and y=2\sin(x) between -180\degree and 180\degree .

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sin cos and tan graphs example 4

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Here we will plot y=\sin(x) as a dotted line and y=2\sin(x) as a solid line. The resulting graph should look like

sin cos and tan graphs example 4 answer

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