Writing Synthesis Essay: Make it Easy with Our Comprehensive Guide

Being a student is a challenging task, as you have to handle different types of essays, particularly synthesis essays. What is a synthesis essay? Such creative writing helps students to develop research skills, conduct a thorough analysis and improve their writing skills. Also, it boosts their abilities to deliver original ideas, arguments, and clear explanations of particular viewpoints. Students might often receive such writing tasks for the AP English language exam. We know how challenging it can be for them to write a synthesis essay.

With this in mind, we uncover the key points of synthesis writing in this review, which are the following:

If you find it difficult to start your synthesis essay, you can get help from our PapersOwl service. The best experts in academic writing await you to bring up a good synthesis essay with a high assessment grade.

Purpose and Objectives of a Synthesis Essay

First and foremost, it is vital to understand the definition of a synthesis essay. It is a type of essay in which you should provide justified arguments, ideas, or statements based on a particular point of view. Composing a synthesis essay requires a lot of time and effort. You must analyze many credible sources to collect specific data and create a unique research paper. Synthesizing sources has to do with analyzing them, but not vice versa. You should provide an in-depth analysis of each source and then combine the similarities or differences between them into one coherent and well-structured essay. The next section uncovers this matter.

Key Features and Components

A synthesis essay counts a few types depending on the objectives to reveal. But essential synthesis essay components are the same and consist of three main parts: introduction, main body, and conclusion. The introductory paragraph should be catchy and highlight the main points of your paperwork due to a good thesis statement. The main body should include at least three paragraphs separated by exposing different thoughts, arguments, or explanations. The conclusion should also leave a spot for meditating for your reader on what you have disclosed in it. Further, we explain three types of synthesis papers and their specifications.

Explanatory Synthesis Essay

This type of synthesis essay involves disclosing various facts, views, or points. That’s why it is required to explore many reliable sources to get as much relevant information about a topic under investigation as possible. Thus, a writer can explain the emergence of certain points of view and facts. This writing task helps high school and college students do deep research, compare facts and perspectives, and deliver a detailed synthesis analysis essay. It is essential to complement each statement with specific evidence and statistical data. This will underline the relevance of the information introduced in an essay and make it meaningful and reasonable.

Argument Synthesis Essay

When writing argumentative essays, one must choose a specific topic and present arguments supporting or opposing viewpoints. This writing assignment incorporates two objectives: gather and systemize information revealing the main topic and argue them from your perspective. It requires creativity and deep knowledge of the field and aspect you must put on paper. Writing an argumentative essay is not an easy task. You should stick to a particular perspective and move on to exposing it. It is crucial to provide enough facts and proof to convince your reader that your viewpoint is noteworthy.

Review Synthesis Essay

Review synthesis essays are often parts of larger projects and are used to make reviews of particular aspects, for example, in medicine and social sciences. When composing this type of essay, you should provide full information about the examined object, state, or problem. The literature review should contain as many key points and peculiarities as possible. Thus, it will draw a complete picture of an aspect that will bring clarification and worth to your topic. To hook your reader from the very onset, you should articulate a good synthesis thesis statement in your introductory paragraph.

Common Topics Encountered in Synthesis Essays

To help you with a topic choice for your AP Lang synthesis essay, we listed some from different fields and sciences. The first of three essays is about AI technology. We tried to single out the most relevant example prompt topics for you to get started with. Check them out below.

Tips on How to Write Synthesis Essay

It is easier said than done when it comes to writing a synthesis essay. That is true, and for this reason, we outlined the list of valuable synthesis essay tips we consider the most essential to focus on. They are helpful for both writing an AP lang synthesis essay and a term assessment. Check them out.

Conduct Thorough Research

A good paper is regarded as meaningful when it is based on deep and all-encompassing research. Don’t neglect to provide a thorough exploration of your topic. The more information you find, the more valuable and reasonable your essay will be. But make sure you use credible sources to summarize and synthesize the data. Once you have a viewpoint to reveal, look for sources that support it or oppose it so that you can use them to substantiate your perspective.

Look from Diverse Perspectives

When willing to express one particular point or argument, consider other perspectives that might contradict your ideas. Why is it important? You should be aware of all the main arguments or acceptances occurring around your topic. It is essential to study different points of view that emerged on the basis of your theme or aspect under study. This could help you disclose another side or significance of your essay topic and change the focus of the main content you want to unleash. Doing this can reveal a new perspective, idea, or aspect of your synthesis essay’s research.

Choose an Organizational Method

Although an essay has a standard structure, your content should be well-composed and introduced coherently. All data should be outlined so a reader will enjoy the smooth turn from one statement to another. Depending on the field and aspect you are preparing a synthesis essay about, there are three methods to organize the content in your paper. They are the following:

Chronological Method

If you include dates or other significant events in your review or argumentative essay, it makes sense to present them in chronological order. Every fact should be justified per its development. So later, you can introduce your perspective or statement that will explain the impact of prior events. For example, when revealing a particular historical period in the US, you should first mention all important events chronologically. So then, you can argue your idea about the changes they brought to the country from a political or international perspective.

Thematic Method

A synthesis paper can be written for any field of science to represent a shorter version of facts, viewpoints, research results, etc. That’s why students can come across some topics that require uncovering a few themes in one essay. It is where a thematic method of content organization takes place. You should determine what notions or terms should be mentioned and revealed in your paper. Then, think of what term might explain or continue a key message of another term. Once you find out this detail, you should present each term one after another, keeping coherence in the information flow.

Point-by-point Method

As synthesis papers deal with different ideas, arguments, viewpoints, etc., comparison as a research method has a place. You can operate with many hypotheses, approaches, ideas, and arguments, so comparing them and finding their similarities and differences makes sense. This content organization method involves explaining one point of the synthesis statement, and then another point to compare further.

Crafting a successful synthesis essay requires a well-structured outline, which can be challenging to develop without assistance. Luckily, many academic essay writing services, such as PapersOwl.com, offer support in this area. To help you get started, here is an outline you can utilize to write a compelling synthesis essay that will leave a lasting impression on your professor.

Make a Synthesis Essay Outline to Structure Content

Synthesis Essay Outline

Earlier, we emphasized the importance of orchestrating your main content under study. This section covers the crucial thing in writing a synthesis essay: an outline. The outline is a great synthesis essay template for structuring your entire paper. We recommend you always stick to it once you define your essay’s topic and objective. Thanks to it you will be able to keep your focus on the angle of your work.

If you want to deepen your knowledge, we have prepared steps on how to write a synthesis essay outline. The outline of your essay must include three main components, but it can vary, and mostly the main difference is in a short and cited presentation of the thoughts you want to reveal in your essay. Below, we introduce a brief outline structure:

The beginning of your essay mustn’t be too long. It is enough to disclose your objective, the main topic, and a strong thesis statement in one paragraph. It doesn’t make sense to keep a reader’s attention for long in the introduction, explaining what you are going to describe or argue in detail. Present it shortly and precisely.

In this part of the essay, you should introduce all you have researched, analyzed, and systematized. Likewise, you should expose your material in a minimum of three paragraphs. Each part has an appropriate synthesis-paragraph structure. In the outline, we recommend you craft a bullet list of three here and note shortly what points you want to describe in each paragraph.

This is the summarizing part of the essay, where you conclude all the information introduced in your synthesis essay. It is essential to repeat the thesis statements here. It should also be concise.

Write an Engaging Introduction

A good synthesis essay should get a reader engaged straight from its introduction. An introductory part should be composed in an interesting way to keep reading your essay. Here is where a reader finds out about the background of the topic and what main problems or ideas will be discussed. Such information should be catchy, and it is essential to make the first opening sentence sharper.

Another important thing in the introduction is crafting a hooky synthesis essay thesis statement. The thesis will be like a compass to the main points of your essay. Try to make the topic sentence specific and intriguing by matching your essay objectives.

Introduction synthesis essay example: When it comes to running a successful business, there’s no doubt that having the right people on board is crucial. After all, a company is simply a group of individuals working together towards a common goal. However, not enough emphasis is placed on what the “right” people actually look like. That’s why I wanted to bring attention to an often overlooked but incredibly important attribute: resistance. In this article, I’ll explain what resistance is, why it matters, and how you can identify it in potential team members.

Critically Analyze Sources and Identify Their Relevance to the Thesis Statement

A thesis presents a key message of your paper. This is what both reveals the focus of an essay and captures a reader’s attention. That’s why it requires exploring many sources carefully and critically analyzing them to identify their relevance. So then, you can formulate a strong thesis statement that will combine the key points of the synthesis essay. The more valuable data you find and analyze, the more precious your thesis.

The Main Body

There are three parts to your essay, each using a different type of evidence. The first two sections should contain evidence that supports your thesis. This can be in the form of direct quotes from your sources, statistics, and/or other research that supports your claim. The third section should contain evidence against your thesis – or what some might call “counterpoints” or “arguments against”.

Building on this structure, it’s imperative to recognize that the very foundation of your thesis relies on the robustness of these supporting arguments. Let’s look closer.

Support Your Arguments

Every thought, idea, assumption, and definition from your thesis statement must be justified by supporting arguments. No one will get involved in a piece that tells about everything and nothing simultaneously when there is no evidence and proof of mentioned facts. This point is vital as your perspective must have a background, and you should explain the reasons you provide a particular argument or viewpoint.

Extensive research and analysis of credible sources allow students to come up with exciting and valuable solutions, ideas, and directions. That’s why the time spent on deep study will always pay you back. It is a very significant component in writing argumentative synthesis essays. So, make sure you find supporting arguments for the idea or perspective you want to convey to a reader. This will increase the persuasiveness and worthiness of your message in the essay.

Address Counterarguments

Sometimes, it is difficult to persuade someone when many counterarguments make your point of view unworthy. The same might happen when you decide to start a synthesis essay and prove your opposite perspective. This task is challenging and requires thorough research of counterarguments. Only by having analyzed a massive set of information, one can provide reasonable comparisons and meaningful explanations to let a reader take their perspectives into account. Here are a few helpful tips on how to maintain a persuasive stance while considering opposing viewpoints:

Craft a Strong Conclusion

The conclusion is the last but not least component of a synthesis essay structure. The train of thoughts and ideas kept during the entire paper shouldn’t be interrupted instantly. It must have an excellent finalizing part where you sum up all mentioned in your essay and leave a good touch for your reader.

To craft a strong conclusion, you should present an overview of your research and note the main points of your argument or perspective. But remember, the conclusion doesn’t have to be too long and saturated. It should be brief, concise, and precise. Remember to remind your reader of your thesis statement and emphasize the relevance and significance of your essay’s topic.

Conclusion synthesis essay example: Through our research, we have identified effective strategies for dealing with repetitive motions in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. It is clear that multiple behavior modification therapies are important for improving this behavior. Further exploration into behavior modification techniques could lead to finding more therapy techniques that can greatly improve the lives of those with repetitive motion behaviors. We believe that this research can make a significant impact in helping individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder lead more fulfilling lives.


A bibliography is a list of books, journals, and other sources of information used in the essay. The bibliography should be alphabetically arranged by the author’s last name. All sources should be listed separately on a separate page following the main body of text or at the end of your paper.

Your research sources should be properly credited at the end of the essay, whether you’re using MLA, APA, or another format. The most common form for citing an author’s work is called “parenthetical citation” or “in-text citation.” In parenthetical citations, you include the title of the work (italicized), page numbers if applicable, year published (if applicable), medium (e.g., book), and publisher’s name (if not self-published).

Proofread and Edit Your Essay

Even if you think your work is impeccable, it needs to be proofread and edited. While you are concentrating on the writing process, you might skip some other nuances. This can be punctuation, typos, grammatical errors, or incorrect sentence order. For this reason, a synthesis essay must go through thorough proofreading to detect any kind of errors. Apart from this, you can split one body paragraph into two, for example, if you find different points discussed in it. You should also format it using a particular format style to handle a well-structured, edited, and formatted essay.

Bottom line

Wrapping up, we encourage you to follow our tips on how to write a good synthesis essay. Although any type of writing isn’t easy work, you can do it well with the help of good supporting sources available on our website. If you are short on time and understand that you can’t cope with this task, you can find an expert who writes essays for you to meet your deadlines. But if you decide to make it up alone, make sure to craft an outline and follow all the insightful tips mentioned in this article.


How long should a synthesis essay be?

The length of a synthesis essay must have to do with the essay format and style you use. If you prefer to use APA in your synthesis paper, your essay should be 5-7 typed double-spaced pages. Consider that this length doesn’t include a bibliography or a list of works cited.

How many paragraphs are in a synthesis essay?

A classic essay consists of three main parts: introduction, main body, and conclusion. Each essay part contains a number of paragraphs. The introduction should be short and precise, with the topic sentence in one paragraph. In the main body, the source material should be synthesized in 3-5 paragraphs. And the last component of a synthesis essay is the conclusion, where you should summarize your arguments, ideas, and thoughts.

Is a synthesis essay argumentative?

Each synthesis essay is informative first. It discloses different facts, arguments, ideas, assumptions, etc., which should be explained, compared, proven with specific evidence, etc. An argumentative synthesis essay is a type of where a writer uses controversial ideas and arguments to support or oppose them. It is essential to provide complementary facts that will affirm your perspective.

Does a synthesis essay have a counterargument?

Yes, it might have a counterargument. It is essential not to avoid them if such exist in accordance with your perspective. You shouldn’t be afraid of counterarguments. Instead, include them in your paper and justify their weak points to make your viewpoint look more significant. Doing this will show you’ve done deep research and can provide reasonable evidence to counterarguments.